A Little Bit Country, A Little Bit Rock N Roll

You know that feeling you get, after watching a good action flick, when you feel like you are kick ass and invincible? I thought you would. If you don't know it, you need to get out of the Romantic Comedy section at Blockbuster. It will only end in tragedy.

I feel that way now, freshly home from seeing Wanted.
You may ask then, why the title? Good question.
Wanted was totally righteous for action movies. Excellent special effects, lots of wanton violence and mind bending stunts. This was definitely the rock n roll part.
The country part is how I feel about the writing. There were some parts that were good and made sense but a lot of parts that were just...weird. As always, I don't spill deets so I won't get into exactly was wrong with the dialog but sometimes I was sitting there with a huge "huh?" thought bubble above my head. Right along with the "if everyone doesn't shut the hell up in this mofo, I'm gonna go ballistic" thought bubble. Don't act like you haven't had that one above your head too.
So, some of the dialog was good and if Morgan Freeman says "poop biscuit", I'm gonna sit up and pay attention. The dude kills everything he's in. Except for The Bucket List, apparently, but frankly I think if you paid to go see that then you got your comeuppence. An old man Thelma and Louise just didn't sound appealing to me, but I really can't judge anyone who took a chance on it. You're more adventurous than I. And Angelina Jolie really is best when she's moody and kicking ass. I would like to be like that. I am more like a sidekick puppy who is house trained. I'd like to be badness for a day or two.
Definitely a movie worth a rental.

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