The Poetry of The Warriors

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but Walter Hill's The Warriors is one completely awesome flick - one of my favorites.  Run to Netflix (or Blockbuster or whatever) to rent this, if you haven't already seen it.

So, I'm watching it in HD (yes, I put my money on the table for HD vs Blu Ray and OBVIOUSLY LOST.  Don't rub it in.  Plus there's a fire sale on all HD videos now so my cheap side is happy about the choice.) and at about 1:13 comes a really poetic scene.  [Umm..SPOILER ALERT.  If you read my blog, it's mostly about movies so there's a chance you're gonna learn something you might not want to know.  I'm just sayin'.]

The Warriors are on the train, trying to get home.  They are all exhausted.  The train stops and some prom couples come on the train(I'm assuming prom cause who goes to a club with a ruffled tux on?  I mean, I know this was a while back but I have to assume.  Plus there's a corsage, so it's gotta be prom.).  They are laughing and happy and then notice the dirty, beaten, roughneck Warriors seated across from them, including the tough chick tagalong Mercy.  They look them up and down and you know they are thinking, what has New York come to?  Mercy feels a little embarrassed and tries to straighten up a little, when Swan stops her.  Swan stares right back at the prom'ers.  Mercy closes her eyes and the kids decide to get off at the next stop.  She opens her eyes and they are gone.

Why is this poetic?  I'm glad you asked.  It is so representative of the class divide.  The haves and have-nots.  The rough and tumble of gang life, in this case, do or die vs the privileged school crowd who doesn't understand anything else other than the silver spoon.  Very few words are spoken but the meaning is crystal clear.  This scene is a beautiful example of showing the story rather than telling it.  These actors convey so much with their eyes and movements.

Poetry in motion.